A place for families of Jewish partisans from World War II to connect and share their stories.
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Aron Bell (Bielski)

Aron Bielski was born in 1927 on a farm in Stankiewicze, Poland, a rural area outside of Novogrudok. He was the youngest of ten brothers and two sisters. When the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, three of his brothers Tuvia, Asael and Zus, all of whom were more than...

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Community Stories

Oscar (Osher) Borecki

Oscar, aged 12, escaped the ghetto twice and fled into the forests when his native shtetl Novogrudok in Belarus, was destroyed by...

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Jack Sutin

Jack Sutin was born, on December 4, 1923 in Mir, Poland. His mother was a dentist and his father was an artist...

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Mira Shelub (Raznov)

A Polish Jew born in what is now White Russia, Mira Shelub joined a partisan group that operated in the forest near...

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Pesach (Paul) Friedberg

Pesach (Paul) Friedberg Pesach Friedberg, the youngest of three brothers, was born in Novogrudok, Poland, on September 15, 1918. He never knew...

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Ruth Lapidus (Novopudsky)

Ruth Lapidus, maiden name Novoprudsky, born on October 18, 1925, was one of the Jews who survived the Holocaust by fleeing into...

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The biographies on this site are compiled from testimonies, recollections, transcripts, memoirs, and biographies of Jewish partisans, their children and their grandchildren.