A place for families of Jewish partisans from World War II to connect and share their stories.
Family Photocrop Normal Shelub after war2 Norman Shelub after war shelub 1 Shelub 01 Shelub 02 Shelub 06 Shelub norman and irwin Mira Shelub - Words of wisdom

Mira Shelub (Raznov)

A Polish Jew born in what is now White Russia, Mira Shelub joined a partisan group that operated in the forest near her native Zdziedciol at the age of 18. With her family, she escaped Zdziedciol’s ghetto in 1942 as the Germans began killing off the population. Mira’s group...

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Community Stories

Samuel Gruber

Sam Gruber was born January 3, 1913 in Podhajce, Poland. On September 1, 1939, he was in the Polish army (rare for...

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Irving (Itzchak) Resnik

Born May 22, 1922, in Novogrudok, Belarus to Aaron Isser and Chaika, Irving (Itzchak) Resnik was one of five children; he had...

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Pesach (Paul) Friedberg

Pesach (Paul) Friedberg Pesach Friedberg, the youngest of three brothers, was born in Novogrudok, Poland, on September 15, 1918. He never knew...

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Chana Iwinietcka Ryback

This report is based on a chapter of Betty Brodsky Cohen’s upcoming book “The Tunnel People”  which tells the personal stories of...

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The biographies on this site are compiled from testimonies, recollections, transcripts, memoirs, and biographies of Jewish partisans, their children and their grandchildren.